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Catering services Uttar Pradesh
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Milan Caterers
Catering services | Varanasi
From the era of vintage stage setting where the dulha- dulhan sat on the maharaja chairs and the typical rangoli patterned fabric adorned the pandal to the age when theme parties are the word for “D” days events and out door catering industry has come a long way. Many got lost, many got found in... See +
Agrawal Caterer
Catering services | Varanasi
We started our dream of serving a new food culture in January, 2008 with an aim to cater to the need of food lovers in Kolkata under the name “Agarwal Catererz” that slowly and steadily carved a name for itself in the catering industry and created a niche. We always believe that our culture is a hub... See +
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Catering services Uttar Pradesh
  • Luxury

  • Mid price

  • Affordable