Bissau Palace

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Bissau Palace

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Bissau Palace is an elegant traditional hotel built in 1919 and recently renovated. Close to the walled city and overlooking the Tiger fort the Bissau offers an oasis of calm, care, comfort and respite from the 'heat and dust' of the city.The guest rooms are spacious and comfortable. A gracious hotel with old-world charm and reputation for excellent cuisine and service. An atmosphere pregnant with intrigue, excitement, tragedy. Turreted ramparts enclosing a world of wealth.There is the lounge and library with its vast collection of royal portraits, old silver and armoury dating back to the 17th century - all mementos of history and time exuding a languid grace of the bygone era. Modern amenities include a coffee shop, car rentals and swimming pool. The Bissau Palace is not just a hotel, its a way of life…quiet, beautiful, distinguished.
Rawal Raghubir Singhji who developed the Bissau Palace in the early 1920's. One of the outstanding chieftains of the era, he was a man of vision and excellent taste as can be gauged by the vast collection of literary works, jewellery and objects d' Art, of which he was a great patron.The Retreat is ideally located 27 km's. on the Jaipur-Delhi highway. Nestling admist the orange, lemon and goose berry plantations and surrounded by the Aravalli hills on all sides it offers the most exotic fragrance of rustic Rajasthan.Ride a top camels and carts though the sleepy villages. Witness the outdoor village school take a hike to the temple on the hill - watch the colourful peasants at work. At the end of the day relax in the coolness of the lawn and a fresh water pool to be followed by a sumptuous lunch or dinner buffet accompanied with traditional folk dancing or sitar recitals. For those wishing to stay over night there is the luxury of deluxe suites available with all modern amenities.


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