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Our business was founded in 1945 by the late Mr. Chicky Madan whose vision was to provide the highest quality food and superior service at affordable prices. His personal involvement ensured that these core values were never compromised and resulted in Chicky's being acknowledged as the premier name in Indian cuisine. The business is now managed by his son, Mr Nitin Madan who has maintained these high standards.
Our reputation for culinary excellence, value for money and personal service is unrivalled in the city of Kolkata. Building on its core values Chicky's now provides a full service catering operation for private, corporate and institutional events and functions .Although we offer a wide variety of cuisines- Indian, Mughlai, Bengali, Chinese and Continental- they all have one thing in common. Our expert chefs use only the finest and freshest ingredients. We know that our clients like flexibility and variety and our menus can be easily tailored to your individual needs and regional preference.

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