Country Oven

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Country Oven

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For the last 21 years, Country Oven has provided patrons with a range of baked delicacies which include cakes, pastries, muffins, puffs, pizzas, and many more. We are also proud to be India's first and No.1 online gift portal serving our customers in India and away from home since 1993. At Country Oven we make everything fresh from scratch using only the finest ingredients while ensuring quality with taste.

Opinions about Country Oven

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By Musheer
I know them professionally

Beware! Country Oven's website is designed to rip off customers. Thrice they have charged for an order and the message on website was "The payment did not get processed" As usual, expected a reverse transaction but 3 months passed and it never happened. Contacted Country Oven through their given WhatsApp number and they are playing "Hide and Seek" with me.

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