David and Company

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David and Company

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It is the closely knit Catholic Community that has put us where we are, in the span of more than 60 years. It has been their kind words of encouragement, their appreciation of quality, recommending us to friends and relatives, that has seen us grow from an economical source for traditional Catholic wedding cards to a one-stop wedding shop and much beyond. We also share a strong bond with the Parsi Community.


Price range
Mid price
Do you have an online store?
shop online
Do you work from a catalogue or do you create bespoke invitations?
catalogue, personalised designs
Does the price also include printing?
Impression costs separately
What are your delivery times?
2 weeks
What are your opening/working hours?
10.30 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. Monday -Saturday

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Street Address

City: 400002


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