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Gourmet Plate is Kolkata’s food delivery service that gives you the tools you need to be a gourmet chef at home without having any experience in the field as well.
We take away hours, pains & hassles of first finding a perfect recipe, then shopping for its fancy ingredients and then prepping each one of them to make your gourmet dish. With Gourmet Plate, you will just end up doing the fun part i.e Assembling and a little bit of Cooking!

You select a chef-designed recipe and we deliver ready to cook ingredients in a meal kit to your door – from chopped veggies to perfectly measured ingredients (such as a teaspoon of cinnamon or a quarter cup of coconut milk). All you do is assemble & cook using the recipe card we send you. It’s that easy!
All of the ingredients are labelled and packaged in food-grade containers and are put inside a biodegradable box, which also contains an ice gel pack (if required) to keep the contents fresh.

If you don't have a lot of experience in the kitchen, Gourmet Plate is a great way to learn how to cook and start working in the kitchen. You can use Gourmet Plate meal kits everyday after a hectic and boring work day, for a date night in cooking for your partner, for get-togethers and parties or as a great gift for your foodie friends! It fits the bill just about everywhere.
Say good-bye to the greasy and stale take-out foods, because Gourmet Plate is now in your city!
Delivery is free on all orders subject to a minimum order amount of INR 400 and the areas in which we have started deliveries.

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