Lazylagoon Sarovar Portico Suites

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Lazylagoon Sarovar Portico Suites

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Experience tranquillity at Lazylagoon Sarovar Portico Suites- a quaint boutique resort nested on a natural Lagoon where the water flows into the sea surrounding with rich greenery and coconut trees. The resort is within short distances to the famous beaches in Goa naming a few like Anjuna Beach, Baga Beach and Calangute Beach. It’s location is to the advantage when you are in Goa, be it visiting the famous beaches around to the most talked about flea markets, Goa’s night life with well known pubs and discotheque or just to laze around shopping. This upscale resort offering valued services spells value for money ideal for both Leisure and Business guest. The guest rooms have an air of “Susegaad” which is Goan for relaxation and choice of Restaurants to Spa to complete your needs for a wonderful holiday. The resort pledges to offer peace and serenity with a liberal dose of traditional Goan Hospitality.

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