Lotus Jewellery

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Lotus Jewellery

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We are engaged in the business of silver jewellery since last 70 years. We have diversified into Imitation Jewellery ( also known as aritifical jewellery ) for last one decade. We promote our brand name as “Saubhagya”, which means good fortune.

BulletEngaged in the business of silver jewellery since last 70 years.
BulletIn the business of Imitation Jewellery for last one decade.
BulletManufacturer, wholesaler and exporter of all kind of Imitation & fashion jewellery
BulletOne roof manufacturing of jewelry with work space of 20000 Sq Mts.
BulletBiggest imitation jewellery manufacturing plant in the India
BulletJewellery display room at Rajkot and Mumbai.

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