Maharaja Farms

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Maharaja Farms

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The Maharaja Farms, located in Amritsar, is a collection of premium boutique resort in India managed by Maharaja Farms. The resort have achieved global standards of product quality and service excellence over a decade of industry experience. The Maharaja Farms opened for business on November 1, 1967. The following year a beautiful beachside resort Maharaja Farms became the group's first resort and the first deluxe resort of Punjab.

It defines a new vision of service and style to Amritsar. Maharaja Farms place a very strong emphasis on contemporary design in its private and public spaces. Style and luxury enhances everything - be it paintings,furniture, accessories or dining and entertainment concepts. Market leadership has been attained through constant upgradation of products and services to bring truly cutting edge international experience. The Group's vision and philosophy is reflected in its customer focus; product and service innovation; advocacy of environment & social issues and nurturing of art & culture. Pioneers of the boutique hotel concept in India.


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Mid price

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