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Mari Dumanian Assessoria

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Homepage Wedding planners Wedding planners São Paulo - SP Wedding planners São Paulo

Mari Dumanian Assessoria

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  • Price from: R$ 800

Materialize the couple's feelings and tunes in an organized, well-planned wedding with all the dreams of the couple. This is the work done by Mari Dumanian Advisory .

Mariana and her team are passionate about the universe of marriage and work intensely, with love and dedication so that all the simple details of the event are fulfilled to the letter, for this they are present of body and soul in all the stages of the great day.

If this is what you were looking for from the professionals who will advise you, contact Mari Dumanian Assessoria , schedule a meeting and know everything they can do for you and the most anticipated day: the wedding!


From what price can you hire your service or product?
R$ 800
What are your terms of payment?
A combinar com os noivos. - 30% no ato da contratação e o restante 15 dias antes do evento. - 50% no ato da contratação e o restante 15 dias antes do evento. - Parcelado até a data do evento - A vista com 5% de desconto
Price range
Mid price

Opinions about Mari Dumanian Assessoria

11 reviews
11 reviews
Recommend it?
By Luiza
I used their services for my wedding

Mari and staff were simply fantastic!

Our wedding was organized with great perfection and professionalism! From the meetings and assembly to the entire schedule of the day of the party, we feel very welcomed, understood and extremely well treated by the staff!

On the day of the party, everything went very well! we could enjoy every moment, take photos, stay with our guests and of course, enjoy so much every moment!

Highly recommend!

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By Alexandre
I used their services for my wedding

Organizing a wedding is not easy. It was a year thinking about every detail, a year planning everything. We thought about everything we wanted and consulted several professionals to make sure our event was as magical as we wanted it to be. In the end, after much research, we chose you.

I mean, with that, that the marriage was so much better than we dreamed and you are one of those responsible for it. All the almost 300 guests only knew how to praise and repeated several times that it was one of the best weddings ever. They said it was beautiful, chic, elegant and fun. But that does not mean much, because the brides thought it was kind of better than that: it was perfect. You and your team were there even when we never imagined they would be. Always taking care of us and also of all the guests, without leaving anything to anyone. Without losing any detail. Without letting anything go wrong.

Thank you for being part of this, your commitment, dedication, professionalism and the beautiful work developed. We just have to thank you.


Acauã and Alexandre

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By Monica
I used their services for my wedding

It got us right from the start, the best market price for the best work we could have, really a support we could not have been without. We were very grateful for the care and attention with which each detail was treated.

Super I recommend, I'm sure that just as we, in the end, will feel that it was the best investment made for the wedding.

We love it!

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