Memoirs Photography

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Memoirs Photography

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We are a professional photography team based in Jaipur, Rajasthan adding contemporary and stylish flair to wedding photography,portraiture and commercial photography.

Photography continues to change in its style and technology but we stay focused on what really matters, capturing the essence of your moment and your spirit.

Our goal is to stay as unobstructive as possible while capturing the true spirit of your special day.We love to capture real moments on pictures because memories are priceless treasure.

We shoot your event using the latest digital cameras.We offer full services of retouching and a wide variety of albums and prints giving you a great range of options for wedding photographs that you will cherish for years to come.

We are passionate about what we do and we enjoy working hard to deliver an exceptional level of friendly and professional service.


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Appointment required
Is there a charge for travelling to other places?
Possible travelling expenses
What are your terms of payment?
25% Advance Payment
How long has your business been running?
Price range
Mid price

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