Shanti Morada

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Shanti Morada

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Shanti Morada is a concept boutique hotel in Goa, India. It is built on a restored and remodeled old Goan heritage property, "Casa de Morada" - the Home of Happiness.  The hotel promises its guest a calm and peaceful environment with traditional and sophisticated Indian decor. There are 20 individually themed rooms with beautiful antique furniture dating back to 300 years. The rooms also have big bay windows and balconies overlooking the swimming pool courtyard.  The hotel is tucked away in the picturesque village of Saligao known for its culturally enriched society and it's one and only Gothic style Church in Goa.


Price range
Mid price

Opinions about Shanti Morada

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By sakshi
They provided a service in a wedding at which I was a guest

This hotel has given its best services and facilities to the guest. I was quite impressed with the ambiance and delivery of services. A good place to do a destination wedding.

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City: 403511


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