Signature Club Resort

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Signature Club Resort

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Signature Club Resort is managed by Brigade Hospitality Services Ltd. (BHSL), a wholly owned subsidiary of Brigade Enterprises Ltd. Formally registered in June 2004 it pioneered the concept of professionally managed and branded serviced apartments under the brand name Brigade Homestead. The company has since extended its operations across multiple domains of the hospitality industry. These include – lifestyle membership clubs such as Signature Club Resort Woodrose Augusta Galaxy and Regent Clubs, the two MLR convention centres and most recently The Northern Terrace venue for banqueting located at the World Trade Centre. The company is also involved in Institutional catering Banquets, Outdoor catering and Event management under its sub brand "Celebrations Catering & Events . It recently rolled out The Baking Company its in-house brand of Deli outlets in Bangalore.


What kind of wedding venue would you most like?
Urban wedding, Natural garden
What are the key features of the venue?
Garden, Dance Floor, Swimming-pool
Can the wedding party be held outdoors?
Outdoor banquet, Outdoor cocktail party
Price range
Mid price

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