Star Wedding & Event Solutions Pvt Ltd

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Star Wedding & Event Solutions Pvt Ltd

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Star Wedding & Event is a Wedding & Entertainment company with an experience of over a decade in the field. We believe in providing our esteem clients with the event resources that need to create a successful event. We work from Planning to execution with our core professional team working on the same to make it a great event.

Star Wedding & Event has a team of young and enthusiastic professionals from different core fields diversifying their work in order to deal with creative ideas, logistics, production, marketing, designing, and technical knowledge.

Our aim is to provide one step ahead of client's expectation. We deal in Complete Wedding Planning Local and Destination both, Corporate Events, Entertainment, Fashion show, Live Concerts, Production, Marketing & Branding, Model/Anchor/Artists, Exhibition, Theme Event etc.

We tell the story of your brand or a special day in your life through events. We’re a event management team dedicated to our clients. We work with our clients to understand their ethos and the message they wish to communicate, providing them with unexpected, creative and individual event solution.As one of the leading event management companies, we know our industry inside out and make it our mission to know all the greatest venues and how to work within them...


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Mid price

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By Naira
I used their services for my wedding

They made my wedding fabulous and memorable ...God bless Star Wedding Team :) :)


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