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  • Menus from: US$ 2

The Wedding Affairs provides you, excellent event planner, as according to our reliable budget. Services - Wedding planner, Aniversarys planner, Birthday party planner, Corporate event planner, Entertainment, Theme parties, and Roadshow also. One of the best event planners. we do not create just event, we create magical and memorable, adorable moments for you.


Main services
Menu by guests
US$ 2
What kind of wedding venue would you most like?
Urban wedding, On the Beach, Natural garden, In the mountain
What are the key features of the venue?
Garden, Terrace, Dance Floor, Sea views - beach weddings
Can the wedding party be held outdoors?
Outdoor banquet, Outdoor cocktail party
Do you have a space dedicated to the wedding ceremony?
Designated space for civil ceremony
Price range
Mid price

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