Gracia Banquet , YMCA Club

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Gracia Banquet , YMCA Club

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Gracia Banquet is located at YMCA club-An Experience by Foodlink.  Liquor – Not allowed, as per the Gujarat government law.  Looking for the wedding venue at Ahmedabad and you have doubts, Here you have all question and answers:

  1. How is the access to this venue? -  Through YMCA Club.

  2. Is baarat or crackers allowed at the venue? Crackers not allowed

  3. Is there a lift at the venue? Yes

  4. Where will the buffet setup be? – Depends on detailing

  5. Is hawan or pooja allowed inside the banquet? - Yes

  6. Nearest famous place or a building? YMCA,Club itself

  7. What are the charges of Audio Video services? On actual consumption

  8. Does the venue have free WiFi? - no

  9. Does the venue allow food tasting, if yes is it chargeable? - no

  10. Are overnight weddings allowed? - yes

  11. Does the venue have an ocean view or any view? No

  12. How is the traffic situation near this venue in the evening? - depends

  13. Does the banquet come with an attached terrace or a pre-function area? YES- Only attached pre- function area.



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