Fortune park panchwati

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Fortune park panchwati

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Fortune Park Panchwati is an upscale contemporary hotel located on Kona Expressway, just 5 km from Vidyasagar Toll Plaza in Howrah. Kona Expressway, declared a National Highway, is one of the most promising growth corridors of Kolkata.

Only 20 minutes from Esplanade (Kolkata), nestled in a serene environment with a choice of fantastic rooms, fabulous restaurants and comprehensive banquet facilities, the hotel is an urban retreat for leisure and business travelers to Kolkata.

With easy connectivity to city centre and various places of interest, you will enjoy a fabulous stay in Howrah and discover Kolkata in a new light.


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Opinions about Fortune park panchwati

5 reviews
5 reviews
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By Yash
I used their services for my wedding

In the area of such industries, it is a gift to have a hotel like this! Especially for professional events and parties Big conference rooms Big party hall with a beautiful swimming pool Good food quality ! Do stay here if you have any work in that part of the city .

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By Pratim
I used their services for my wedding

Very good place for office party or picnic. Have multiple lawns, one 3.5 feet deep swimming pool. Don't try to book it personally unless you have a good amount of money to pay. Also it is very close to Kolkata.

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By Rohit
I used their services for my wedding

Decent place with good value for money. The property is situated just outside the city and one has to be very careful with the turn on the highway so as not to miss the road leading to the main gate. Decent property spacious rooms, and decent service. Spacious conference rooms and parks for indoor and outdoor functions. Food is hygienic must can be improved overall.

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City: 711403


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