Hotel Hindusthan International

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Hotel Hindusthan International

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HHI, one of the leading business hotels in Kolkata, has a new look, a premium facia and a new-look lobby, welcomes its guests with utmost warmth. At every turn you discover a new face of your well versed Kolkata hotel, from the well groomed staff to the friendly new outlets like Mythh, Topaz, Kalash, Virgose, Underground and the health club or the swimming pool. We incorporate everything that throws a vibe of cordiality around and reflects sense of trendy living that enchants guests from world over. This luxurious hotel is located in AJC Bose Road, which is one of the most convenient spots, near Park Street, Camac Street, Rabindra Sadan and Chowringhee Road. The Hotel offers more than just a good lodging as it sets a trend of modern concepts of guest relation and hospitality. No wonder it is the preferred choice for fairy-tale weddings as much as for corporate power talks.


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