Hotel Dolphin International

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Hotel Dolphin International

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Hotel Finder is a leading provider for Online Hotel Booking services in India. provides the most competitive prices for any hotel across India because of our low margins. The booking engine is intuitive, user-friendly and provides instant confirmation of the room reservation. Our personalised service helps customers find suitable accommodation at any place a breeze. Full integration with CHOBS ( booking engine ensures customer has a rich experience while locating and booking a room of choice. The booking engine is quite sophisticated in that it calculates seasonal variations in pricing, room level discounts, customer loyalty, discounts based on duration of stay, etc., additionally pricing for specific amenities provided like pick-up and transport is also available. Overall customers can foresee all costs involved in their stay before finalising a hotel of their choice thereby making their search a truly enjoyable experience.

Several hotels are being added to everyday across all locations in India to offer a much wider and deeper choice for our customers.

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