Little Big Weddings

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Little Big Weddings

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Little Big Weddings is a team of young and passionate photographers and film makers who bring in that extra element of fun to every wedding. Coming from different fields of expertise what brings us together is our love for celebration, happiness and life. We believe weddings are a BIG deal and that every moment in this journey of togetherness is special. We don’t just create timeless memories at your wedding but become a part of your wedding. We share the joys of togetherness, live the sincerity of the vows, feel the love in the air, dance to the melodies of happiness and sometimes even pick up your clothes from the laundry.


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Takes 50% Advance Payment
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Mid price

Opinions about Little Big Weddings

5 reviews
5 reviews
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By Shweta
I used their services for my wedding

An amazing photographer company, very pleased with their work and would highly recommend them to couple looking for a photographer for their wedding day!


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By Urjita
I used their services for my wedding

Well well this isn't about weddings, but I got my pre-baby shoot done with these guys and trust me I was in my most comfortable state.I truly enjoyed the overall experience of the shoot with my husband and my big tummy. My emotions, the expectant mother-ly love and naughtiness was well guys are great and also one more thing ...all their wedding albums makes me want to get married again....cheers! 

Urjita Kartik Pandya 

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By Juhi Mehta
I used their services for my wedding

The Little Big Wedding Team have done a fabulous job for my wedding. For them, it wasn't just another project - they laughed, cried and enjoyed every moment of all the wedding celebrations and that's exactly what has been captured in the pictures. Every picture told a story. Every picture made us smile. And even the wedding video was brilliantly done. We couldn't have asked for a better team! 

Juhi Mehta 

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