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Shlokarts is a new identity assigned to a 20+ years experienced Event and Wedding Planning Company – Jalaram Decorators. The foster company has successfully run a monopolistic business in Events and Entertainment management in and around Navi Mumbai.
Shlokarts is an attempt to regenerate the foster company with a new vibe, with more robust and positive attitude, with more vigor to dive into other relative aspects of Event and Entertainment Industry. The intent of Shlokarts is to expand and diversify its activities.

Shlokarts offers complete event planning & management services, programming & production, entertainment & special event coordination, high-quality activities, and event promotion. Furthermore, we offer event and venue management consulting services including long-range planning, program and policy development, needs assessments, training, and general management assistance. Our services are available throughout the city of Navi Mumbai to help companies, organizations, fairs & festivals, families, event venues, and resort properties present highly-effective events.

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