The Gateway Hotel, Agra

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The Gateway Hotel, Agra

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  • Capacity (seated): 200-200
  • Capacity (standing): 200-200

Come experience the famed splendor of the Taj Mahal at The Gateway Hotel Agra. Equipped with smart rooms that offer the best amenities alongside hassle-free services and a magnificent view of the iconic monument, this property is  spread over six acres of manicured gardens. With a warm staff that's ready to offer impeccable service, The Gateway Hotel Agra clearly blurs the lines between business and pleasure. 


Guest capacity
Banquet mode (sitting)
Maximum number of guests in banquet mode (seated):
Cocktail mode (standing)
Maximum number of guests in cocktail mode (standing):
What kind of wedding venue would you most like?
Urban wedding, Natural garden
What are the key features of the venue?
Garden, Terrace, Cultural interest, Guest accommodation
Can the wedding party be held outdoors?
Outdoor banquet, Outdoor cocktail party
Price range
Mid price

Opinions about The Gateway Hotel, Agra

5 reviews
5 reviews
Recommend it?
By Anil
I used their services for my wedding

Excellent service and well mannered courtious staff. They take good care of their guests and was indeed very comfortable stay here.

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By Kay
I used their services for my wedding

Good staff.. nice rooms. We got an upgrade to the suite.. however we had to give it away because of it being a smoking room. Good view of the Taj from the rooms.

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By arnav
I used their services for my wedding

I went there for 2 occasions. The first one was indeed a well arranged one with a variety of food and drinks. But the second occasion just blew up my mind. It was fantastic. One heck of an experience!

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City: 282001


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