The Wedding Diaries Photos & Films

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The Wedding Diaries Photos & Films

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  • Photography from US$ 1,00,000

The Wedding Diaries is a team of passionate creatives who are keen to create a story of mesmerizing moments for couple on their Big Day! We are not a team that has many awards but surely we are a team that already has won many hearts by our promising work. We capture the essence of the event, inherent joy and happiness for the couple to enjoy their wedding even after 10 years and still get a feeling of all that happened just a moment ago! Having shot more than 120 weddings in the last 4 years, this adds up as quite an experience to tackle every situation and capture the best of the moment. Photography is all about the moment and moment should speak more than an article should...And at The Wedding Diaries, we do the same. Behind every wedding, there is a story going on, and our gems capture the essence of it.

“Every still picture speaks the story behind it and the video captures the essence of every ceremony.”


Main services
US$ 1,00,000
What other services do you offer?
Photography, Other
How would you describe your photography style?
Do I need an appointment?
Appointment required
Is there a charge for travelling to other places?
Possible travelling expenses
What are your terms of payment?
We will formally block the dates after your first payment. We expect at least a 50% payment in advance.
How long has your business been running?
Price range
Mid price

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